Toltec Overview#

⚠️ FIXME. ⚠️

This page is just a stub that needs to be completed. You can open a PR on the repo to add more content to the page.

Filesystem Layout#

Toltec uses entware as a base, which means that it tries to follow the filesystem layout that entware uses. Toltec generally tries to follow the same file hierarchy as archlinux, when applicable.


Entware, and to the most part, toltec, stores all of it’s data in a folder that is mounted to /opt. Toltec puts this folder in /home/root/.entware. All packages are compiled with the assumption that they are stored under /opt.


Configuration files for packages are generally stored in this directory instead of in /etc.


This directory contains application registrations for draft and remux. See Launcher Application Registration for more information.


Entware packages will add executable scripts here to manage services that you install. Toltec allows you to manage this with rcctl, which is provided by the entware-rc package.


User executables should be placed in this folder, which makes them available on the user’s path.


Contains executables that have name conflicts with other executables (e.g. wget-ssl or wget-nossl). The selected version will be symlinked to /opt/bin.


Some packages place their executables in this directory, which is discouraged. /opt/bin should be used instead.


When templatectl is installed, this contains the current templates used by xochitl, as it’s bind mounted over /usr/share/remarkable/templates. Any template packages that are installed will store their files here and use templatectl to register them.


Executable files in this folder will be treated as possible launchers for launcherctl. See Launcher Registration for more information.


Contains empty files owned by packages to indicate that they make changes to the root partition, and will need to be reinstalled when re-enabling toltec after an update.


This directory contains application registrations for oxide. See Launcher Application Registration for more information.


Used by changescrn to backup the stock splashscreens.


This directory contains the active splashscreen from an installed toltec package.


Contains tar.bz2 archives that kernelctl uses to manage the currently installed linux kernel.


Some toltec applications will include their licenses, which will be installed to this folder. Entware doesn’t include licenses in it’s packages, due to potential space constraints on the systems it targets.


The zoneinfo-utils package will mount this to /usr/share/zoneinfo to allow timedatectl to access the full set of timezones. Instead of the subset that the device comes with.

Systemd Services#





Launcher Application Registration#

Launcher Registration#

  • /opt/share/launcherctl/<name>

  • Must be executable.

  • Must implement the following:

    • is-active

    • is-enabled

    • start

    • stop

    • enable

    • disable

    • logs [-f|--follow]

    • apps

    • running

    • paused

    • launch <name>

    • resume <name>

    • close <name>

    • pause <name>


  • /opt/usr/share/kernelctl

This site was last updated on Feb 24, 2025.